On Henchards Tragedy in The Mayor of Casterbridge开题报告

 2023-01-15 15:01:33

1. 研究目的与意义

The Mayor of Casterbridge is an important novel of Tomas Hardy, an outstanding critical realist writer at the end of nineteenth century. This article will analyze the characters of Henchard and the environment situation at that time. So, I can know deeply about this literature. Henchard#8217;s story still has a profound and extensive practical significance, it allows us to understand the true sense of the good and brave to face the doom. In addition, his failure gives us the inspiration that we should constantly adjust ourselves to adapt to the changing situation.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This paper discusses the causes of Henchard''''s tragedy from two aspects: the social environment factors and the hero''''s personality factors. It shows that the tragedy of the hero''''s life is closely related to his character and social environment.The first part will introduce the basic information about the author, Henchard and his character relations, and social condition. The second part will analyze why he had a tragic life. The last part will summarize the whole artical and restate the reasons of his tragedy.

3. 国内外研究现状

In recent years, the research of foreign literatures in China has been developing in depth, which has been shown in the extensive and in-depth study of the research content, the expansion of the research team and the improvement of the quality of the research. The mayor of Casterbridge is one of the final results of the nineteenth Century British novel. It successfully combines the soil in the countryside, the poetic warmth and the severe outlook on the universe. For his writing style has also been talked about by many scholars at home and abroad. And in recent years, the articles also have sprung up a lot to research on The Mayor of Casterbridge

4. 计划与进度安排

一Introduction 1 Introduction to Tomas Hardy 2 Introduction to The Mayor of Casterbridge 二The reasons of Henchard#8217;s tragedy 1 the internal factors (1) impulsive character(2) ambitious character2 the external factors (1)background of the society 三The coincidence of Henchard#8217;s tragedy 1the old woman#8217;s revelation of the secret of buying his wife2the daughter is not his own四Conclusion

5. 参考文献

Christine Winfeild, Factual Resources of Two Episodes in The Mayor of Casterbridge, University of California Press, Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1970Gindin, James, Harvest of a Quiet Eye: Indiana University Press 1971. G W Sherman, Thomas Hardy and the Agricultural Laborer: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1952Hardy, Thomas, The Mayor of Casterbridge: Penguin, 1994Howard O. Brogan, Visible Essences' in the Mayor of Casterbridge, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1950Julian Wolfreys, The Mayor of Casterbridge in Contemporary Critical Essays: Wiley‐Blackwell, 2000Mill, John Stuart, On Liberty: Longman 2004. Page, Norman. Thomas Hardy, the Novels: Macmillan, 2001RC Schweik, Character and Fate in Hardy#8217;s The Mayor of Casterbridge, University of California Press, Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1966 Tomas Hardy, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 1994

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