1. 研究目的与意义
Social ecology is a kindof study of society, which mainly researches on the interaction between thesociety and the environment. This environment includes natural environment andsocial environment. The research focuses on reducing and eliminating thefactors that may have a bad influence on the development of the society and itsenvironment and building a well-developing society. It conforms to the theme ofbuilding a harmonious society. The research reminds me of the novel ofwell-known Black novelist and critics James Baldwin#8217;s novel--Go Tell It on the Mountain.
James Baldwin is one ofthe most significant writers in Black literature. The novel describes an unfairsociety that white people rule the Black people and the unfortunate life of theBlack people. By describing the life of a Black family, it reflects themiserable lives of all Black people and writer#8217;s wish to build a fair andharmonious society as well. The unfair treatment that Black people sufferedfrom white people can be an impediment to the development of humanitariansociety. The study of Go Tell It on theMountain will help us know better of the social ecology referred inliterature.
Besides, the novel is therepresentative work of James Baldwin. In the novel, James Baldwin put himselfin the position as an American people instead of an American Black people. Itshows us a new perspective in ethnic issues and leaves a profound influence onother Black writers. There is less antipathy to white people in literature. Itchanges the way Black people express their dissatisfaction in literature.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
Though the novel describes the family of John, it isthe reflection of the unfortunate life of whole Black people. By analyzing thepersonality of the people in the novel from social ecology, the topic aims toexpose the realistic problem that related to the novel.
The essay focuses on the social-ecological view thatreflected in the novel. The essay is divided into four parts. Chapter one ismainly about the literature review and current studies of Go Tell It on the Mountain. Chapter two tells us what is socialecology, including a brief introduction of social ecology and the purpose ofthe research on the social ecology. Chapter three is the major part of theessay. It analyzes the relationship between the social ecology and the novel.It consists of four parts, which mainly show the James Baldwin#8217;s wish to builda society that white people and Black people can get well with each other, thatpeople can free from the hypocritical religion, that every Black people shallhave the same human right. The whole chapter three will be related to socialecology. Chapter four makes a summary of the essay and the expectation ofsocial ecology.
3. 国内外研究现状
In recent years, greatachievements have been made by scholars both at home and abroad in the studiesof James Baldwin as well as his works. JamesBaldwin was a Christian, so many of his works as well as Go Tell It on the Mountaincontain religion. Many papers talk about the religion that involved in novel --Go Tell It on the Mountain. An America writer MM Lindsay writes a paperthat concludes Baldwin#8217;s use of death in religion. And consider Baldwin as atheologian. In China, many scholars also did a lot of researches on his view ofregion. Xu Yujun from Xiameng University analyzes the personalities of thepeople in the novel from perspective of religion. There are other people whoanalyze the novel in the perspective of religion but from different aspects. Forinstance, Mi Fenfang thinks Baldwin#8217;s religion view is #8220;religion withoutreligion #8221; , and she gives her view like that,
While deconstructing and criticizing thehypocritical and incompetent God in the fundamental church, Baldwin tries toreconstruct a just and loving secular God, thus to realize his return toreligion.
Go Tell It on the Mountain is themost successful and most influential work of James Baldwin. The hard life ofblack people as well as the relationship between the John and his step-fatherin the novel are considered to be the epitome of James Baldwin#8217;s ownexperience. Comparisons between the John and Baldwin, including the relationshipbetween the step-father, the experience of religion believes and so on, keepsbeing researched for a long time.
4. 计划与进度安排
Chapter Ⅰ. Brief introduction
5. 参考文献
[1]Baldwin. Go Tell It on theMountain [M]. New York:Dell Publishing Co Inc ,1981.
[2]HarrisTrudier, Ed. New Essayson Go Tell It on the Mountain [M]. New York:Cambridge UniversityPress,1996: 97 -126.
[3]陈世丹. 《向苍天呼吁》:走向一种生态社会[J]. 山东外语教学,2011(04)
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