Analysis of Post-colonialism in The Grass Is Singing开题报告

 2023-01-17 19:49:01

1. 研究目的与意义

Doris Lessing won the Nobel Prize for Literature by virtue of The Golden Notebook in 2007. The Grass Is Singing is her maiden work, which is considered to be one of the most outstanding novels in Britain after World War II. The tragic lives of the white hostess Mary and black slave Moses are attracting widespread attention of scholars at home and abroad. Although the different color and different status, they are unable to get rid of the tragic lives. The ending contains not only the complicated psychological factors, but also the deep stamp of post-colonialism. Therefore, The Grass Is Singing is not a euphemistic sweet song, but it really talks is the elegy between the colonists and the colonized.

Doris Lessing depending on her own memory in Rhodes when she was a child and carrying the sympathy to the helpless colonized revealed a picture of colony to readers in The Grass Is Singing. Although the study of the post-colonialism of The Grass Is Singing, we can obviously know that indigenous people helplessly became the slaves of the western hegemony when they faced of the strong colonists.

The last but not least, the novel itself is very attractive which can easily catch readers#8217; attention. The analysis of the marginal people#8217;s grim fate reflects the ideas on post-colonialism, which shows in The Grass Is Singing. The research of this theme itself is practical and profound. Moreover, with the worldwide attention to the racial problem, I reckon the theme can still receive the profound significance.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

Through analyzing the typical characters-Mary, Moses, Dick and their grim fates in colony contained in Doris Lessing#8217;s The Grass Is Singing, the paper itself aims to research the post-colonialism in The Grass Is Singing.

The essay uses the perspective of post-colonialism to analyze the marginal people#8217;s grim fate. The difficulties rest with the twisting link between the post-colonialism and colonialism, among which post-colonialism is a cultural phenomenon.

This essay is made up of five parts. Chapter one is about the brief introduction on the writer and the novel as well as the literature review. Chapter two analyzes #8220;Other#8221; of the colonial system, which reflects the racial discrimination and the oppressed, such as Moses, revolts against the racial discrimination. Chapter three shows the poor white is hopeless resistance against the predicament, in which Mary look down up the black man and Dick is lack of judgment and poor management. Chapter four analyzes the decline of the colonialism. The white woman Mary#8217;s death and the rebellion of the black man Moses show the collapse of the colonialism. Chapter five sums up post-colonialism thoughts in The Grass Is Singing.


3. 国内外研究现状

Since the novel The Grass Is Singing wins world fame, it has been studied and researched by scholars from many different aspects at home and abroad. Many papers are related to The Grass Is Singing and scholars have proposed their views in different angles, such as psychology, narrative styles, ecofeminism and post-colonialism. Also, some analyze the characteristic of Mary and some have observed the writing devices, such as irony. What#8217;s more, this essay includes the analysis of the characteristic of the main character and their tragic fate in the view of post-colonialism.

As a classic, The Grass Is Singing has received many comments from critics. Michele Wender Zak names it #8220;a little novel about the emotions#8221; and further claims that #8220;It eschews the endless cataloging of apparently self-penetrating dislocation-psychological and social that serves substance for much of what has come to be called modernist literature. Lessing rejects the world view of the modernists, preferring instead to portray the dialectical relationship that Marxism insists which always exists between the individual circumstance of one#8217;s life and the material nature of the social and economic system within which one lives.#8221;(Pratt amp; Dembo 1974:64) As Anita Myles comments, #8220;The Grass Is Singing is of embryonic importance as it embodies the seeds of her later novels. The story unfolds her concern with social, economic and political structure, the problems of women#8217;s existing in a man#8217;s world, and finally the crucial relationship existing between the White masters and the Black African servants.#8221; (Myles, 1991: 5)

Many scholars at home also did lots of researches of The Grass Is Singing. #8220;The Killing Spiritual Wasteland---on The Grass Is Singing#8221; by Fu Li, makes an analysis of Mary#8217;s tragedy from the external and internal aspects according to psychoanalytical theory. Shi Yi in the paper #8220;Deconstruction of Paternity Centralism#8221; tries to point out that male can dominate everything and female is the root of the Turners#8217; final tragedy in the African patriarchal society.


4. 计划与进度安排


ChapterⅠ. Brief introduction


5. 参考文献

[1] Brewster, Dorothy. Doris Lessing[M]. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1965.

[2] Fanon, Frantz. Racism and Culture[M]. London: Pelican, 1970.

[3] Lessing, Doris. The Grass Is Singing[M]. Harper perennial Modern Classics, 2008.

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