A Comparative Study on Sexism in English and Chinese Language开题报告

 2023-01-17 19:49:07

1. 研究目的与意义

A comparison between English and Chinese has shown us the sexism does not only reside in language itself. Social change is the basis of language change. When people take steps to change the sexist language structure, they are in fact trying to change women''s status in society. When the speakers of a language hold fair values, the language --grammar, lexicon, and all--will reflect them exactly.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Content:This paper attempts to provide a coherent overall picture of the sexist inequality both in English and Chinese and does a comparative research on the subject from different parts.

Key question: to find the Similarities and differences of linguistic sexism between English and Chinese and to reduce thelinguistic sexism and to eliminate the linguistic sexism


Chapter 1: Introduction


3. 国内外研究现状

Discrimination against women is an international phenomenon. Sex inequality in language has captured attention of linguists for centuries and since the feminist movement in the 60s in the United States, the issue has been highlighted. Many scholars did researches on the sexism of English or Chinese, but few scholars provide a coherent overall picture of the sexist inequality both in English and Chinese and do comparative researches on the subject.


4. 计划与进度安排

To write this essay, many books related to the subject will be read in advance. Then they will be classified and grouped to get enough information. The information will make me know the subject entirely and thoroughly. In addition, the thoughts of myself will be included and concluded in the essay.

5. 参考文献

[1]Cameron,Deborah. Language and Sexuality[J]. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003.[2]Christine Christie. Gender and Language.[M] Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd,2000.[3]Coates,Jennifer. Women, Men and Language一A Socoilinguislic Account Differences in Language[M]. London: Longman Group Ltd,1986.[4]Gibbon,Margaret. Feminist Perspectives on Language[J]. Pearson Education Inc,New York 1999:78.[5]Margaret Gibbon.Feminist Perspectives on Language. New York: Pearson Education Limited,1999.

[6]Roberts W,H.amp;Turgeon. About Language: A Reader for Writers[M]. Thompson Learning Aaia Houghton Miffin Company,2000:68一76.

[7]Smith, Philip M.Language,the Sexes and Society. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publisher Ltd, 1985.

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