A Study on Translation Strategies of Figure of Speech in Zhang Peiji s Selected Modern Chinese Essays开题报告

 2023-02-21 09:55:22

1. 研究目的与意义

There are four kinds ofliterary genres, including novel, poem, drama and essay. Among which, essayenjoys wide popularity because of its usage of all kinds of language devices.It is acknowledged that Zhang Peiji and his Selected Modern Chinese Essays havepositively contributed to the promotion of Chinese culture by essaytranslation. The research focuses on figures of speech in Zhang Peiji’sSelected Modern Chinese Essays. However, due to the limitation of the essay, Idecided to pick two several typical essays from the Selected Modern ChineseEssays.

Zhu Ziqing is one of themost significant writers in Chinese literature. Two of his works have beenincluded into the Selected Modern Chinese Essays, The Sight of Father’s Backand Transient Days. The first one describes the secretive, yet abundant lovefrom his father who has always regarded his son as the top priority. The sceneis very touching and the description is indeed realistic. The second onedeplores about the passage of the time and reflects on what we can do to takegood advantage of the time. The number of the figure of speech in two essaysabounds. By studying them, people can have an insight into how essays userhetoric and how the translators should translate them properly.

Besides, the essay will analyze the translationstrategies. The translation strategies will tell what the purposes oftranslator are and whether the purposes of translator are achieved.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Though I only choose a part of the SelectedModern Chinese Essays, they contain quite a lot of figures of speech that aretypical. With the help of translation strategies, I can analyze what kind oftranslation strategy Zhang Peiji has chosen to translate the figures ofspeech in the best way.

The essay focuses on the figure of speech usedin the translation. The essay is divided into four parts. Chapter one is mainly about the literature review andcurrent studies of the Selected Modern ChineseEssays. Besides, it includes a briefintroduction of the research methodology and purpose. Chapter two and threeare the main body of the essay.

Chapter two includes the study history offigures of speech. In chapter three, it introduces comparisons in figures ofspeech between English ones and Chinese ones, so that readers can have abetter understanding of figures of speech. Then the essay will analyze thestrategies used by Zhang Peiji. In chapter four, it consists of a briefsummary of the essay, limitations and expectations of the study ontranslation of figure of speech.

3. 国内外研究现状

In recent years, great achievements have beenmade by scholars both at home and abroad in the studies of Zhang Peiji aswell as his works.

The whole essay is based on the Skopos theory. Interms of Skopos theory which is proposed by Hans Vermeer, this theory holdsthat 'translation is a text produced for a certain purpose and targetaudience in the target language situation”. That is to say, the purpose oftranslation determines translation strategies.

Speaking of translation strategies, there areonly two ways: one is foreignization which leaves writer in peace and movesreaders towards him, the other is domestication which turns oriented languageinto targeted language.

The translation of figures of speech dependsmainly on four ways: free translation, literal translation, set translation and creativetranslation.

Famous Chinese scholar Feng Qinghua classify thetranslation of figures of speech into three categories: translatable, untranslatableand hard for translation. While he pointed out that appropriate methodsshould be adopted in translation, so that the rhetorical effects of sound,form and meaning are transmitted to the targeted language as perfectly aspossible.

Chen Shuhua (1990) stated the importance ofrhetorical devices and their translation methods. She also discussed therelationship between rhetorical devices and translation.

Chen Ding''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''an (2004) discussed the translation ofrhetorical devices from different angles, such as image, semantics and phrasestructure. Meanwhile, he listed some examples on how to translate differentrhetorical devices.

Feng Xiuwen (2006) thought during the process oftranslating rhetorical devices in Chinese literature, all kinds oftranslation methods should be applied by the translator. He also stated sometranslation strategies such as domestication and foreignization to translatefigures of speech in Chinese literature, and he gave some examples on how to translatepuns, similes and Chinese idioms.

Zhang Fen (2007) studied how to translate therhetorical devices in advertisements. She thought modern Englishadvertisements often use some rhetorical devices to enhance the propagandaand persuasionand there was a need to study the translation ofthe rhetorical devices in advertisements. She introduced some commonrhetorical devices in advertisements such as pun, rhyme, personification, hyperboleand contrast. Later, she also applied such translation methods as literaltranslationfree translation, and supplement to show how totranslate these rhetorical devices in advertisements.

Xie Xiyan (2008) discussed the translatability ofrhetorical devices in Harry Potter Series which is based on functionalequivalence theory. She used detailed case study of the translation ofrhetorical devices in three books, such as how to translate puns and personification.According to the comparison with same translation of rhetorical devices indifferent books, she concluded the better way to translate rhetoricaldevices.

Huang Mulan (2011) studied the specifictranslation strategies of rhetorical advertisements from the perspective ofrelevance theory through abundant cases. She introduced three levels ofrhetorical devices: those on phonetic level, on semantic level and onsyntactic level. Rhyme, pun, metaphor, antithesis, parallelism and otherrhetorical devices as well as their corresponding translation strategies areintroduced systematically. The author divided the strategies into three majorcategories, that is, to translate into the same type of rhetorical deviceflexibletranslation of rhetorical advertisements and non-rhetorical advertisements torhetorical advertisements translation.

Liu Jinlong (2011) discussed how to translate therhetorical devices in English news headlines. He talked about two types ofrhetorical devices in English news headlines. One was communicative rhetoricandthe other one was aesthetic rhetoric. He listed some common translationmethods in the process of translating rhetorical devices in English newsheadlinessuch as literal translation and free translationandhe also discussed some other translation strategies.

At abroad, Translatability is an issue that hasbeen studied a lot in the field of translation. It is the interchangeabilitybetween source language and target language, the extent to which the sourcelanguage can be translated into the target language. Translatability isbelieved to have limits in practice. J. G. Catford distinguishes two types ofuntranslatability in his book: linguistic and cultural untranslatability:“Translation fails—or untranslatability occurs—when it is impossible to buildfunctionally relevant features of the situation into the contextual meaningof the TL text. Broadly speaking, the cases where this happens fall into twocategories. Those where difficulty is linguistic and those when it is cultural”.According to Catford, linguistic untranslatability exists' becausefailure to find a TL equivalent is due to difference between the SL and theTL'(ibid.: 98). What leads to cultural untranslatability is 'asituational feature, functionally relevant for the SL text, is completelyabsent from the culture which the TL is a part'(ibid.: 99).

4. 计划与进度安排


Chapter Ⅰ. Brief introduction1.1Literature review1.2Brief introduction of Skopos theory1.3The purpose of the researchstudy translation strategies taken by Zhang Peiji to translate figures of speech under Skopos theoryChapter Ⅱ.Figures of speech2.1figures of speech in the excerpt of Selected Modern Chinese Essays2.1.1 Simileamp;Metaphor2.1.2 Parallelism2.1.3 Reduplication2.1.4 PersonificationChapter Ⅲ. Translation strategies3.1domesticationamp; foreignization

3.1.1 The translator''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s choice of domesticationstrategies under Skopos Theory


5. 参考文献

[1] Delisle,Jean.1988.Translaton: An Interpretive Approach. tr. Logan,Patricia and

Creery, Monica. Ottawa:University of Ottawa Press.

[2]Venuti, Lawrence. TheTranslator'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' s Invisibility. London amp; New York: Routledge, 1995.20

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